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E-mail us @: CACougars@iname.com

Last Update: Feb. 1, 2000

Site Design:
Kenny Befus ('99)
Uncle Jim Smith



What can I say...
the best years of my life where spent at the elementary wing at Christiansen Academy. Even though CA has more

highschoolers the elementary wing is first rate. Computer time, the famous Reading Bowl Litaloonies vs. Readamaniacs, golden decimal, and so, so much more.

Jr. High

Junior High, Junior High, Junior High. I think that is about all that I can say about that!


StuCo is the Student Council for grades 1-8 and they sell candy at break time but more than that they plan activities for grades 1-8 every friday night. Those activities are not dorky by any means, they Rock. Bike hikes through the mountains, water olympics, Funck's Farm... need I say more? And who can forget Wells Fargo. "There's gold in 'dem 'dere activties!"

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Christiansen Academy
Apdo. 75
San Cristobal, Tachira 5001-A
Phone: 58-76-623162      Fax: 58-76-620396
E-mail us @: cacougars@iname.com

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